Amos's diary 1 (수정본)

500 2018.03.09 20:22



HAHAHA.... I am very angry now...

Because my diary 3 times gone...



subject: wood working

Today, I study to Son teacher's wood working class with 8th.

We made a table for will use the buri + class.

We made a table up part, bridge and leg.

and ​combine those.

we successful the made a table.

I think. maybe next time, we will use the table.​

​It's very hard but very useful.

I pick a word. "useful".

It's means "유용한,유능한".​


형쌤님의 댓글

good job~!!

Maybe "the table" will be used "WHAT THE HELL" class. thanks a lot

최민서님의 댓글

thanks for comment~!!
If table use the "WHAT THE HELL" class, I am very proud ^^

한대희님의 댓글

3time gone_3times gone.

Yeah. It was hard but a little fun, wasn't it?

예준채님의 댓글

combine 결합하다

박찬YEE님의 댓글


word : gone 다 쓴

박찬2님의 댓글

good - !!!

successful : 성공적인
